Do you want to energize your educator? Send the Foundation your words of encouragement, and we will share this with your educator (and on social media). The nominated teacher will receive a free drink at Trading Grounds. The free drink is offered by Trading Grounds as a tribute to Linn-Mar’s wonderful staff.

Additionally, watch for your post to be shared on our FaceBook and Instagram. Posts will be scheduled for the 1st and 15th of each month. The post with the most social engagement will be awarded a special Energize Your Educator tumbler. Trading Grounds will continue to refill that tumbler with tea, fountain soda, or brewed coffee for free!!

Educators appreciate hearing the kind thoughts of their families. This is a great way to provide encouragement to your school.

The Foundation offers a grant program for teachers to receive up to $250 in classroom reimbursement each year. This program has funded over $75,000 to teachers since 2022. If you would like to provide a donation to this fund, please do that here. It is not a requirement of the nomination!

Thank you for supporting your schools!

Energize Your Educator Template On A White Background