Ways To Support Our Educational Cause
There are a number of ways to support the work of the Linn-Mar School Foundation to help elevate student learning and fund classroom needs that school budgets alone cannot meet. Thank you for considering these giving options to benefit Linn-Mar students and staff.

Become a recurring donor with exclusive benefits
Sign up for monthly giving as low as $10 per month. Being a recurring donor of $20 per month allows you exclusive access at the Mane Event Gala. The foundation will also print your name as a recurring donor in our annual report and on our donor page.
Gifts of any size can be made to the Foundation. These funds are distributed to our 12 K-12 schools through our grant programs. School administrators and teachers apply for grants from the Foundation to fund innovative ideas, enrichment programming, and fundamental curriculum needs. All size gifts to the Foundation are 100% tax deductible and may qualify for corporate matching funds from your employer.
The Linn-Mar School Foundation would be honored to meet the wishes and desires of a benefactor who wishes to make a planned or deferred gift. Our Lion Legacy Society was designed to assist donors who wish to impact education at Linn-Mar now and in the future. Your trust officer or financial advisor can direct you to many available planned giving options.
The Linn-Mar Foundation accepts gifts to benefit a particular school or program in the Linn-Mar Community School District. Your gift will be directed to the school or program you choose. All size gifts to the Foundation are 100% tax deductible and may qualify for corporate matching funds from your employer.
The Foundation is honored and privileged to manage a large number of scholarships and memorials funds. These funds were created by individuals, families, and businesses who want to honor special people or interests by investing in the future of Linn-Mar students. Contact Shelley Schroeder to discuss this giving option.
We have jobs of all sizes, committee work, projects, graphic design needs, event planning, and board of directors positions. Our Foundation volunteers are worth their weight in gold! Email Shelley Schroeder for current opportunities.
Linn-Mar School Foundation’s Beyond Endowment is a permanent pool of funds held at the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation, generating interest income every year. Currently, up to 4.5% of the fund’s annual earned interest is available for distribution in our schools in support of excellence and innovation. Growing our endowment continues to be an ongoing priority for the Foundation. Our short-range goal is to reach the 1 million dollar milestone. Iowa tax credits of 25% are available through Endow Iowa in addition to federal charitable income tax deductions for charitable giving. Please contact the Foundation for an information packet on endowment giving.